PIDP 3240

  Some key trends that you should know about as a student or teacher looking to be ahead of the curve.

  • Cloud Computing –  Cloud computing has made it so you can download a lightweight app onto your smartphone and get access to in-depth learning analytics, classroom management software, or use Twitter.


  • Mobile Technology – You can now use apps like Socrative, Edmodo, and ClassDojo to have a classroom filled with devices that are all synced and dedicated to one main learning outcome.


  • Game-Based Learning – Want to make learning as much fun as a video game? It may not be the next Halo, but game-based learning applies game mechanics to particular classroom (online or offline) lessons to improve understanding.


  • MOOCs – If you’re reading this, you probably know that online courses are going to need a big improvement in order to go fully mainstream.


  • Learning Analytics – Want to know how your child did and what he or she might likely do on the next quiz or test? Want to see where he or she falters or needs some encouragement? Use one of the many learning analytics apps that enable you to understand what’s working in a student’s learning.
NASA uses giant torch screens to teach astronaughts to fly

Use of simulations is highly realistic mockups, which are used to train astronauts in vehicle operations. Astronauts prepare for launch, landing, payload and International Space Station operations and rendezvous activities in the Garn Facility. A motion­based trainer simulates the vibrations, noise and views the astronauts experience during shuttle launch and landing. A fixed­base simulator is used for rendezvous and payload operations training, and a functional space station simulator is used to train astronauts in the use of the on­orbit laboratory’s systems.

Below is the link to know more about these giant torches


 I was listening to a talk by Sir Ken Robinson
The question he posed was about How Intelligent are you on a scale of 0-10?
It took me 40 seconds to think how intelligent I am. First thought that came in my mind, which yard stick do I use. He showed the pictures of people from scale of 10 to 1 giving clues to which number do we think we belong.
      That was interesting to me,  he also talks about we can change our intelligence and get better.  Interesting thing is he differentiated between the world that existed before us and  the world within us. That  is what we need to understand to think mind fully.
    It made sense to flip the question to How are you intelligent?
                Food for thought as educators
 Web 2.0 Tools

Here is a link that talks about web 2.0 tool, new ways of communicating, collaborating, making use of media in workplaces, classrooms and connecting globally with friends and family.


Use of humour in classroom

 Use of Technology to motivate students.

Technology motivates students, The ease of use, enjoyment and sharing of knowledge. We can motivate students if we relate to them. We as teachers should adopt the love of learning and changing the ways that no longer serve our students.




Simulations in Classroom

I have often used the PHETS in my classroom demonstrations

It allows to explain a concept easily using overhead projector and computer.You can repeat the simulation untill students get it.